How I Write Content that Attracts Clients

Here's a breakdown of how I write my posts:

read time 3 minutes.

Welcome to The Growth Innovator. Exclusive content where I showcase how to start, grow, and monetize a 1-person online business through organic content in 2024.

Today’s Email:

  • Addressing My ICP

  • Pain Points + Ideal Scenario

  • Converting CTA

  • Action Plan

Alright, Let’s Innovate:

Creating content that gets you likes is cool.

Creating content that gets you new clients is even better.

Here’s the process I use to write content that attracts clients:

Addressing My ICP:

The first step is to address your Ideal Client Profile (ICP).

I do this in every hook that I write. Let me show you some examples:

I’m targeting creators/entrepreneurs struggling to drive sales through content (or want to scale from $10k to $20k+), specifically those with a digital product or service.

Next, read how I use pain points to my advantage:

Pain Points + Ideal Scenario:

The next part of my post is to do the following:

  • Address ICP Pain

  • Agitate the Pain

Here are the same posts I showcased above:

The pain I’m targeting here is:

  • Creating Awesome Content

  • Selling w/ Feelings, Not Logic

I’ve now addressed my ICP using a hook. I then showcased the pain points that I’m targeting in these posts. Next, I want to show my audience the IDEAL scenario if they were to solve this problem:

Address ICP → Address Pain → Agitate the Pain → Showcase Ideal Scenario

Converting CTA:

At the very end of my posts, I showcase my solution.

This can be done with the following:

  • Direct Link to Landing Page

  • Trigger Words

Here’s what two of my recent CTAs looked like:

Want to Keep Going?

If you are ready to grow a massive audience on LinkedIn while selling digital products, consider checking out The Growth OS.

This 90-minute course will help you develop hundreds of content ideas, create organic content that consistently gets you new leads from social media, build a system to create weekly newsletter content, utilize templates for growth, gain daily subscribers/followers, and run through building your personalized website.


Now that you have the exact process I use to write my posts let's create an action plan for your content moving forward:

  1. Start with a hook that addresses your ICP.

  2. Start your body by addressing your ICP pain.

  3. Agitate the pain.

  4. Showcase the ideal scenario for your ICP if the pain is fixed.

  5. Showcase your solution.

  6. Use a graphic or image to increase engagement.

Follow my framework step-by-step when creating your next batch of content, and watch the difference it’ll make.




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