Generate Revenue from Your Website

A strong landing page leads to more revenue - here's how:


As a creator - you should have a website.

From organic traffic to a personal portfolio - your website showcases:

  • Who you are.

  • What you do.

  • What you offer.

Now - let me show you:


I’m going to break down the strategies I use to:

  • Capture Emails

  • Get Clients

  • Sell Products

This starts with my Home Page.

Question: Makes you stop, read, and think.

Lead Magnet: If the question isn’t enough - I mention you get ‘2 Free Guides’ when you subscribe.

Social Proof: I display other creators who are part of my email list.

Now - I’ve successfully captured your email (that’s why you’re reading this).

If you don’t know me yet - you will.

This next section goes through:

  • Social Proof

  • About Me

  • What I Do

Not everyone will come from your socials.

When you have organic traffic - these people probably don’t know you.

Show them who you are.

Next - lead magnets.

My free content is better than many paid courses.

That’s how your free content should be.

  • eBooks

  • Guides

  • Courses

Create free lead magnets each month and give them away to your email list.

My new course drops on August 31st.

I’ve created a “Waitlist” to capture emails for the launch.

  • Builds Hype

  • Builds Email List

  • Increases Potential Revenue

Before you launch a new product - create a waitlist.

Put it on your website. Link in bio. Comments.

I use Typedream to build my website (if you want my affiliate link, here).

I’m not a programmer, so no-code is the route I took.

  • Cheap

  • Easy to Use

  • Build Products


Hopefully you learned something from this.

If you are reading this and don’t have a website - this is your clue to build one.

This week - I wanted to shoutout Romain.

We’ve been discussing how he can improve his brand on X - and is making fantastic progress.

If you want to join hundreds of creators growing together:

Join the Discord.

Stay ambitious,



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