Here's How I Learn Anything in 1 Week

Use my 5 step-process to turn content consumption into education.

read time 3 minutes

Welcome to The Growth Innovator. Exclusive content where I showcase my personal systems to help you create better content, make more money, and save 30+ hours a week.

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Today’s Email:

  • Finding a skill to master

  • Identifying your struggles

  • 10x your results

Alright - Let’s Innovate:

I consume more content than I probably should (you do too).

Here’s how I turn consuming content into an education:

Step 1: Find a skill you want to learn.

For me - I chose Photoshop.

When you choose a skill - I’d recommend something you could utilize in your personal and work life. The more valuable the skill is - the more you’ll want to get good at it.

Step 2: Get a basic understanding of that skill.

Start with the basics.

In Photoshop - I began trying out each tool that was available. From creating shapes - to using gradients - all the way to 3D text.

Spend 30 minutes a day for 3 days doing this.

Step 3: Find areas you struggle with.

At the start of using Photoshop - I found that most of the tools were confusing. No matter how much I used a tool - I couldn’t figure out the best way to implement into my content.

This is where YouTube comes in.

I spent 1 hour a day consuming content that taught me exactly how to use the tools I struggled with.

Do this for 4 days.

Step 4: Remove distractions.

To make this entire process more effective - remove all distractions:

  • Clean your desk.

  • Mute your phone.

  • Use 1 monitor (fewer tabs).

After 7 days - you’ll be at an intermediate level with the skill you chose.

A skill like Photoshop has helped me create LinkedIn posts which have generated almost 1,000,000 in 90 days.

Efficient time management > abundance of time.

Focus on what actually helps - not what takes a long time (so it feels productive).

Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

1. ​The Growth Operating System:​ Join 400+ students and 50+ founders inside of The Growth Operating System. This course will teach you the system I’m using to build a massive audience on LinkedIn & 𝕏 as well as how I generate $15,000+ / month in income.

2. ​Alex’s Creator Club​: This is my private community where you’ll get 1:1 support from me. The value here speaks for itself. Try it for free.

3. ​Coaching Session w/ Alex: If you’re looking for most efficient way to take your online brand/business to the next level - 1:1 coaching is the way to go. Book a time that works for you and let’s take your business to the next level.


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