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- Build Passive Income on LinkedIn in 2024
Build Passive Income on LinkedIn in 2024
Here's the 4-step process to build passive income:

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Welcome to The Growth Innovator. Exclusive content where I showcase my systems to create content, write emails, and build products that sell in 2024.
Today’s Email:
Capturing Attention
Converting to Web Traffic
Converting to Customers
Action Plan (TL;DR)

Alright, Let’s Innovate:
I’ve been building my 1-person online business for almost ten years:
I’ve tested 11+ lead magnets.
I’ve posted ~50,000+ times on social media.
I’ve built a business that makes over 6-figures every year.
I can confidently say I know what I’m doing (for the most part).
Here’s how you can turn your 1-person business into a passive income stream while saving 30+ hours each week:
Capturing Attention:
I post on LinkedIn, X (Twitter), TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram, publishing a lot of content daily.
Daily organic content is how you grab attention.
No, I’m not telling you to start posting on every platform. However, the more content you publish, the more attention you’ll capture.
Here’s the flow once you’ve caught the attention of your audience:
Organic Content → Profile View
If you want your content to stand out, format your content like this:
Hook (Address Ideal Client Profile)
Hint at Problem (Why It’s Bad)
Hint at Problem Again (Why It’s Bad)
Showcase Ideal Scenario (When Problem is Solved)
Provide Solution (CTA)
Here are three examples of LinkedIn posts I created last week, which helped me capture ~678 emails:
Post Example 1: Click Here
Post Example 2: Click Here
Post Example 3: Click Here

Converting to Web Traffic:
Capturing attention is just the beginning.
You’ve probably heard the saying “Likes Ain’t Cash!”.
But here’s how I look at it: “Likes & Cash!”
I focus on growth and expanding my business. If you want to succeed long-term, growing your audience and your brand is crucial.
Here’s the 7-step process I use to convert attention to web traffic:
Use a Lead Magnet (Place in Social Media Profile)
Build a Basic 1-Pager (To Capture Emails)
Use CTAs to Sell Your Audience What You Offer
Focus on High-Converting Copy (Sell an Outcome)
Here’s the flow once you’ve built your landing page:
Organic Content → Profile View → Web Traffic → Email Capture
For my simple, yet high-converting landing pages, I use Typedream. It’s easy to set up and make changes when needed.

Converting to Customers:
Now that you’ve captured and converted that attention to web traffic, it’s time to sell to your audience.
This starts with building your offers. Here’s what I’m currently selling:
Low-Ticket: The Growth OS Course
Medium Ticket: 1:1 Coaching
High-Ticket: Content Agency Services
Here’s the flow once you’ve obtained web traffic:
Organic Content → Profile View → Web Traffic → Email Capture → Viewed Offer from Email → Paid Offer Landing Page → New Customer
The excellent part about your email list is that you can plug in your paid offers anytime. You also “own” your email list, meaning there is much less risk than growing on a social media platform.

Want to Keep Going?
If you are ready to build passive income in 2024 all from the luxury of your laptop, consider checking out The Growth OS.
This 90-minute course will help you develop hundreds of content ideas, create organic content that consistently gets you new leads from social media, build a system to develop weekly newsletter content, utilize templates for growth, gain daily subscribers/followers, and run through building your personalized website.
Here’s what you can start taking action on today to build your passive income stream for 2024 and beyond:
Begin posting content 5- 7 times weekly on LinkedIn and X (Twitter).
Build a lead magnet (free product) and add it to your social profile.
Drive attention from your organic content to your profile.
Build a simple landing page to capture emails.
Send 1-2 emails per week (plug paid offers).
Build a paid offer (and its landing page).
Optimize your customer flow and experiment as you go.