My Profile Generated $42,780 in 2 Months

Here's exactly how I turn visitors into followers & followers into customers:

read time 3 minutes.

Welcome to The Growth Innovator. Exclusive content where I showcase my personal systems to help you create better content, make more money, and save 30+ hours a week.

Today’s Email:

  • Visitors → Followers → Customers

  • Sell Products/Services

Alright - Let’s Innovate:

I’ve turned my Twitter (X) + LinkedIn profiles into powerful landing pages.

Here are my conversions from the last 2 months:

  • 812,807 Impressions

  • 9,112+ Followers

  • $42,780 Revenue

  • 31 Clients

Steal the exact methods I’ve used to optimize my profile to generate revenue:

Profile Picture:

This part of your profile is so simple - yet you still don’t have a good one.


  • High Quality

  • Full Face + Upper Body

  • Brand Colors

  • Shadow Effect

  • Good Lighting


  • Selfies

  • Low Quality

  • Random Colors

  • Full Body Shots

Profile Banner:

Your banner is crucial to convert visitors into followers.

  1. Write a clear 1-liner that explains what you do.

    • “I’ll help you make better content”.

  2. Include a CTA (website link, email, button, etc).


  3. Focus on brand colors.

    • Purple/Blue gradient

Too confusing = no conversions.


Most headlines I see on LinkedIn & Twitter are TERRIBLE.

Sorry if that upsets you.

Here’s mine: “Follow for Daily Insights on Creating Better Content”.

  1. Write a clear 1-liner that explains what you do & who you do it for.

  2. Don’t use excessive emojis. Don’t write 2+ long sentences.

Here’s the most common example I see that you SHOULDN’T use:

Social Media Expert | SEO | Brand Growth Enthusiast | $100K in Revenue | Email Marketing | etc. etc. etc.


Link + CTA:

I’ll keep this step simple.

I recommend driving new followers to sign up for your email list. This makes monetization in the future much easier.

Don’t use “Join My Newsletter”. That is boring - every creator is building a newsletter now.

Try something more like - “Get My Free Exclusive Content”.

Much better.

Featured Section:

Showcase your products/services. Don’t have more than 1-2 when you begin.

Here’s what my LinkedIn looks like:

Here’s what my Twitter looks like:

Focus on creating a clear solution to a problem that you are solving.

Once your profile is setup to your liking - focus on the following:

80% Engaging - 20% Posting

The rest happens on your landing page (profile).

Not Sure Why Your Profile Isn’t Converting?

Well - I do.

Join my private community - you’ll get 1:1 support from me.

You also get instant access to 350+ creators, profile/content audits, recommendations, early access content, & more.

Happy Wednesday!



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