5 Essential Habits of Successful Internet Entrepreneurs

Habits that lead to the success of the top Internet entrepreneurs.


They're often underestimated.

Yet, if you genuinely nurture them…

They become your SECRET WEAPON!

In this edition, let's explore five habits that successful internet entrepreneurs swear by, that you can start instilling today:

First, Recognizing Your Power Tools:

Everyone has a unique toolbox when it comes to their online success. The tools I use might differ from the ones you find effective.

Here are a few of my favorites:

  • Productivity: Notion or Evernote

  • Communication: Slack or Microsoft Teams

  • Email Marketing: Mailchimp or Substack

  • Design: Canva or Adobe Creative Cloud

  • Website Building: Squarespace or Wordpress

These might work best for me, but you might find other apps or tools that suit your needs better. Remember, the best tools are the ones that meet YOUR needs.

Now, let's delve into the heart of the matter.

Incorporating Daily Routines:

Understanding your daily routines is as essential as comprehending key metrics.

Here are the routines I swear by:

  • Morning routine: Setting my day's goals and priorities first thing in the morning

  • Learning: Dedicating at least an hour daily to learn something new

  • Networking: Reaching out to at least five new people a day

  • Healthy breaks: Regular screen breaks and exercise to stay fit and focused


Don’t push yourself into overwhelming routines. Aim for sustainability, not perfection.

For example, if you set a goal of writing a 1000-word blog daily and some days you barely manage 500, don’t fret.

A better goal would be: "I want to share something insightful with my audience daily."

Evaluate & Adapt Your Routines:

Keep a keen eye on your habits. Reflect on what's working and what's not.

This is my approach:

  • Plan my day (Prioritize tasks, set learning goals, etc.)

  • Go through my day as planned, tweaking where necessary

  • Reflect on my day, noting what worked well and what didn't

It's essential to constantly tweak and adapt your routines based on your reflections:

Struggling with concentration? Try the Pomodoro technique or meditation.

Feeling overwhelmed? Simplify your goals. Focus on one task at a time.

Remember, slow and steady wins the race.

Implement & Refine Your Routines:

Now, you're better equipped to incorporate habits, it's time to put theory into practice.

I gave you an idea of how to evaluate and adapt routines in the last section, so let’s elaborate further.

You can evaluate your routines in various cycles:

  • Weekly

  • Monthly

  • Quarterly

  • Semi-annually

Analyze each cycle, and use my evaluation technique mentioned above to tweak your habits and improve efficiency.

Keep experimenting and adapting.

Keep it sustainable. Burnout isn't the goal here.

Remember, consistency will always triumph. Your habits are your roadmap to success.

Lastly, Keep Evolving:

Change is the only constant.

The digital world is ever-changing and requires continuous learning and flexibility.

As you evolve, so should your habits.

Always stay open to new tools, techniques, and ideas.

And remember, building habits is a TIME game.

I hope you enjoyed this system,


Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

1. ​The Growth Operating System:​ Join 400+ students and 50+ founders inside of The Growth Operating System. This course will teach you the system I’m using to build a massive audience on LinkedIn & 𝕏 as well as how I generate $15,000+ / month in income.

2. ​Alex’s Creator Club​: This is my private community where you’ll get 1:1 support from me. The value here speaks for itself. Try it for free.

3. ​Coaching Session w/ Alex: If you’re looking for most efficient way to take your online brand/business to the next level - 1:1 coaching is the way to go. Book a time that works for you and let’s take your business to the next level.


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